Sunday, March 22, 2009


Yesterday, we took a drive up to Land O'Lakes to pick up my step-son. It's a long drive, usually about an hour each way, and we had already been in the Jeep for about an hour before we started the trip because we had to drop Sarah and Emily each off at friends' houses for sleepovers.

On the way there, I realized that I needed to use the bathroom, and there was no way that I'd be able to hold it until we made it all the way home. I knew that using the bathroom at the step-son's trailer would not be happening, because even if his psycho-bitch mother would let me in, I would probably die from breathing in all of the smoke.

I decided to stop at a McDonald's on the way there to use the bathroom. On my way back out to the Jeep, I lost my balance in the parking lot and fell straight forward to the ground. It all happened so quickly, but from the way I ended up laying on the ground in the parking lot, and from the looks of my injuries, I must have tried to protect my belly by turning sideways a bit.

After Phil helped me up from the ground and I made it back into the Jeep, I noticed that my lower belly felt tight and a little achy. I wasn't having any sharp pains, but it was still worrisome. When we finally made it home, I went to bed and called my OB. I really didn't want to go to the ER, so my OB told me to just take it easy and to go to the ER if I started having sharp pains or bleeding.

Thankfully, everything seems to be just fine now. I'm still a little achy in my lower belly, but that's it. Oh, and my right knee is pretty messed up, too. I'm pretty sure my baby is okay in there, too, because last night she was quite active. It was almost like she was trying to reassure me.


Holly said...

How scary! Glad you're feeling better, and I hope your knee heals quickly!

Wep said...

I hope you're feeling better :)

Heather said...

Yep, that is scary. Glad baby "girl" is okay.

jennifer said...

I'm glad you are okay Melodie. You keep saying "she". When do you find out for sure?

Tracy P. said...

Oh yikes, Melodie, that IS scary! Glad it seems like you're ok! I remember my OB saying there is tons of protection around baby, and not to be worried. But still!

Melodie said...

Jen, I should know for sure in two weeks. I have a level 2 ultrasound scheduled at the hospital for Monday, April 6th. I'll be 18 weeks then, so it should be pretty obvious what the sex is.

Mammatalk said...

Very scary! But, I hear things are pretty well padded in there.