Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dear Daughters,

You are obviously unaware of how a garbage can works. Since you are so smart and sweet and completely obedient girls, I can only assume that you have no idea that this is NOT how a garbage can should be handled.

So, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. When the garbage reaches the top of the can, it is time to change the bag. It is NOT time to continue piling garbage up on top of the full can. Not only does this practice make it impossible to close the lid to the garbage can, but it makes it very difficult to change the bag in a neat and tidy manner.

Now that I have made you aware of how these things are supposed to work, please refrain from allowing the garbage to overflow like this ever again.

Your Loving Mother


Mama T said...


What A Card said...

Hee, I need that advice too. I'm terrible about piling up the garbage!

Khadra said...

ohhh this happens in my house too, except that here my husband is guilty of it too.

Debbie said...

I love this post!!!

Tracy P. said...

Could you forward that to my family, please? ;-)

Kelsey said...

Um can I post this on my fridge?
This is my feeling exactly!

feather k said...

Ha! Let me know if your letter really works and it doesn't happen again ;)

April said...

I'm over from SITS! I enjoyed your two girls do the exact same thing!

Have a great Thursday!