Saturday, November 1, 2008


I took Emily to get her hair cut this afternoon. Her hair has gotten so out of control lately, and the ends of her hair were looking pretty dead. We tried out a new salon today because I was in a hurry and it was close to our house.

So, how did things turn out? Well, let me first remind you of what Emily's hair looked like yesterday.

Before we left for the salon, Emily and I discussed how much of her hair we were going to get cut off. At first, Emily didn't want her hair cut at all, but I told her that she needed at least five or six inches cut off just to make it look healthy. Then, she changed her mind and wanted to get it cut off to her shoulders. Eventually, we came to a compromise.

And now, the dramatic "after" photo...

You may have noticed that the area just under Emily's eye brows is a little pink. That's because Emily decided to get her eye brows waxed for the first time. The funny thing was that when I suggested that she get them waxed while we were there, she said she was too scared and wanted to come back another day when Sarah could get hers done, too. But when the lady at the salon asked her about it, she happily agreed to get it done right then.


WheresMyAngels said...

She looks so pretty! I love the new cut and the eye's!

feather k said...

very groovy cut...I wish I would have started getting my brows waxed at that age...or earlier...cause, girl...I got me some brows...

Danielle said...

Love the new do....and everyone looks better with their eyebrows waxed.

Cute blog!

Thanks for stopping by my blog,
Have a happy Sunday afternoon!

Scarlett said...

I love her new cut - very cute!

Anna Lefler said...

Lovely haircut! Geez, I wish MY hair looked that great!


:^) Anna

Lipstick said...

She looks so pretty! Her eyebrows look absolutely fabulous!

Debbie said...

Her new hair looks beautiful! But your daughters are beautiful girls anyway!