Saturday, June 14, 2008


Phil's truck got broken into last night. The thieves didn't get anything because Phil didn't leave anything of any value in it. But, I called the sheriff's office to come take a report and dust for prints anyway, just in case.

Did I mention that the punk-ass kid next door broke into my house when he was "bored" two summers ago? Yeah. He did. And last summer, when we had no break-ins, his family wasn't living next door because the house was being foreclosed on. Now they're back, and my husband's truck gets broken into. Coincidence? I think not.

I should have sent that punk to jail when I had the chance.


Heather said...

That stinks.

Did you notice that they have a huge electronic sign up on 301 urging people to lock their cars and secure valuables. It's just sad that its' come to that.

I'm glad they didn't get anything, but it still stinks.

I'm still pissed about our $500+ lost to our break in.

Debbie said...

What a way to start your weekend and your day....Thankfully no one was hurt, with the exception of the person which I would to not be thinking great thoughts about...

Did the fingerprints match or when will you know? There has to be a record!!!!

Debbie said...

Can I just add that on the news, we are hearing more and more about crimes, etc. They are blaming it on the times, gas prices, etc. YES, I agree times are bad...But just because times are bad does not give anyone the right to do what they did or what people are doing! I am pissed just thinking about that...

I have a friend that went to Home Depot about 2 weeks ago. She was in the self-service area. A man behind her distracted her that she walked without taking $50 change she asked for. She immediately went back, man was gone, money was gone, etc. To me, it was a setup time of deal. I would almost be willing to bet $$$ that he has done this before, etc. BUT AGAIN, TIMES ARE TOUGH FOR ALL OF US. I am not stealing, taking gas, etc....Freakin' people...I need to stop...Sorry for my rant...I just feel your pain....

Working Mama said...

I am so sorry to hear about that, Mel. That stinks and really agitates me. There is no excuse for that and I really hope they catch the jerk who did it.