Sunday, August 31, 2008


There are big changes going on in my house this weekend. Although we haven't gotten as much done as I would have liked, there is definitely progress being made here. There is significantly less furniture in my family room today than there was yesterday, which is definitely a good thing.

Prior to these changes, there was only about 20% of the floor than wasn't covered with a piece of furniture. That number has now risen to about 60-70%. Now, Katie has plenty of room to dance.

We still have a lot more cleaning and organizing to do, but I feel so good about what we've accomplished so far. And I'm really motivated to keep on going with the purge. I may have to throw together a yard sale next weekend to get rid of all of this stuff. I'd donate it all to charity if we didn't need the money so much.

Anyhow, I have to get back to work now.


Heather said...

Wahoo, what a good feeling! We've been doing the same thing!

Working Mama said...

Sounds delightful! Truly - that was my plan for this weekend and then that dagnabit sickness came in & stole my organizing/fall makeover time away!!! Curse you, sickness! Can't wait to see what you've done. What a great feeling!

Debbie said...

Melodie, I just read your post from a day or two ago about Katie...How awful and how scary...I am so happy that everything turned out wonderful, but OMG...I am so sorry to hear you go through all that...Poor baby...I have to say, even in the hospital, she's just as cute as can be....