Friday, January 25, 2008

First Hair Cut

Katie's hair has been getting rather long and unruly lately. Her bangs really needed to be cut, and the back of her hair was so much longer than the sides, she was beginning to look like she had a mullet. So, Phil and I decided that we would take her to get her first professional haircut.

We took Katie to Gel-ee-Beans kids' salon for her haircut.

Miss Blanca cut Katie's hair. Katie was very good for Miss Blanca and held very still while getting her locks snipped.

Katie was rather impressed with all of the attention she got at Gel-ee-beans. We opted for the First Haircut Package, so Katie got a certificate, a keepsake lock of her hair, and a photo of the finished haircut.

Katie was very impressed with herself and how cute she is. She was really hamming it up for the camera.


Kandee said...

Was Ms. Bianca at Cookie Cutters? She did Hannah's hair one time. I recognized her. Isn't the first hair cut, the cutest thing. Hannah still talks about Cookie cutters even though we haven't used a "kid" hair cut place in over a year.

Melodie said...

Ms. Blanca is at Gel-ee-beans. Cookie Cutters closed a few months ago. I really like taking the girls to Gel-ee-beans because whenever one of them is getting her hair cut, the others are occupied with toys and video games.

Heather said...

Awww, she looks so grown up!